Carpathia IV: Episode 96 - Roll for Perception
Joust's Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer
Between Kit's rescue and Joust's injuries, it had been awhile since the Adventure Timers had a chance to gather around the big holographic game table. Not too keen on caves for now, the tiny holographic adventurers made their way through a forest projected onto the table and they decided to stick with the thinner portion on the outside so that they could see their characters. Too deep under the thick foliage and they wouldn't have any idea where they were unless they switched the table to a first person perspective. This would, at least, provide the realism of being lost in a dense forest, not that it would make the proposition more attractive.
Joust: Roll for perception.
Minnie: Something's up.
Each rolled, and all but one had a number that ranged from good to not especially alarming. The exception was Nalma.
Nalma: I can't remember the last time I rolled a one.
Joust made no acknowledgement of Nalma's poor roll except to carry on with the story.
Joust: The adventurers proceed cautiously, except for the ninja, who darts ahead of the group with reckless abandon.
The characters on the table did as Joust said, with the ninja blithering ahead and stumbling over a trip wire. From high in the treetop, a log attached to some ropes swung down and smacked the ninja right in the chest, sending him hurtling backwards.
Ramei: You're a crap ninja, you are.
Nalma: I'm having an off day!
Tamati: I should mix up a healing potion and a balm for his chest.
Joust: Roll for potion making.
Tamati did so and smiled at the result.
Tamati: Thirteen. That should be enough to get the job done.
Joust: We'll see when it's done. The potion maker gets to crafting while the others look on.
The komodo on the table took off her backpack and began to measure out her ingredients.
Minnie: I'd like to cast a spell to see if there are any other traps in the area.
Joust: Okay, roll for trap detection.
Minnie rolled the die and came up with nine. The table lit up all around them highlighting a multitude of traps, including tripwires, pits, and others of varying degrees of lethality, including a few they missed on their way into the forest. They were surrounded.
Teren: That's a lot of traps. Have we stumbled into some crazed loner's private property?
Ramei: I would think that a crazed loner would have had signs. Whoever put these up wants people to get caught.
Minnie: Bandits? This might not be all of the traps. I only rolled a nine.
Teren: Seems likely. There's supposed to be a village in this direction. We should go there and find out if bandits are harassing them.
Ramei: They might be doing that now. Otherwise, they'd be harassing us right now.
While the others were talking, Tamati, the komodo, finished his potion and balm and began applying it to the ninja.
Joust: The potion and balm prove effective and the ninja begins to recover.
Nalma: That's a relief. If you'd have rolled a one too, I'd have been a goner.
Minnie: I think we should turn back and go around the forest.
Teren: Agreed. We can ask them for information. We have a few levels under our belts now, so we might be able to help.
Ramei: Agreement here too.
While the characters on the board started making their way back out of the forest, the players had a little time to discuss other matters.
Tamati: Think we'll find any useful new tech orbiting that planet tomorrow? The last time we found some stuff, it didn't pan out. Not yet, at least.
Minnie: Tech would be great, but gaining some insight on species who have lived in this region before is good too.
Ramei: Seems weird that the planet shows no signs of civilization with all the stuff in orbit.
Joust: Roll for perception!
The conversation stopped dead and all the players looked over at Joust in alarm.
Ramei: Aw, shit. Now what?

The next day...
Phobos's decision day grew near. Aire gave him until after the next mission to decide what he would do with his career and today was the start of that mission. With heavy thoughts weighing him down, he left his quarters and found Amenaru just a few steps away, presumably headed for the bridge as well for the start of the mission.
Phobos: Lieutenant!
Amenaru didn't stop immediately, but continued on for a few more strides before coming to a sudden halt.
Amenaru: Oh, sorry Phobos. I still sometimes forget that "Lieutenant" is me.
Phobos: No worries. You're headed to the bridge?
Amenaru: I am. You can join me if you're going too.
Phobos nodded and they continued toward the bridge lift.
Phobos: You think we'll find any new sentient species on this planet?
Amenaru: I would like that as long as they're not hostile. Meeting the blobby and watching it interact with Kit was one of the greatest things I've ever experienced.
Phobos: Invite them to a Stellar Sorcery game?
Amenaru: Ha!
Amenaru looked like he was going to say more, but was suddenly silent with a quizzical look on his face like he was pondering something.
Amenaru: You know, I wonder what games they play. I'd be more interested in that.
Phobos: I hadn't thought of that.
While Amenaru pushed the lift call button, Phobos had a quick word with Deimos silently in his head.
Phobos: Did you get that?
Deimos: Plugging his responses into the subroutine now.
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