Carpathia IV: Episode 97 - Abandoned Station
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
The Shadowdancer gingerly approached the planet noted by a survey ship as having technology orbiting, dropping to sub-light speeds well away from the system so as not to alarm any sleeping weapons systems.
Nalma: We're in visual range of the planet.
Aire: On viewer.
A lush, blue and green planet appeared on the forward viewscreen, looking very much similar to Carpathia's most populous planet of New Berengaria. It was easy to imagine that someone might live there, but the survey vessel did not detect any traces of civilization on the surface. That left the biggest mystery of all. Where did all the orbiting tech come from?
Joust: Teek, get us to maximum scan distance. We're going to focus on looking for any sort of weapons systems and low-level power readings. I want to know the instant anything over there twitches.
Teek: Understood, Commander.
Along with the usual bridge crew and Cadet Tayet on standby, Ryuu joined them, as he does when any evidence of an unknown civilization is involved.
Aire: Anything look familiar, Ryuu? More importantly, anything dangerous?
Ryuu shook his head, tapping his claw to one of his exposed fangs.
Ryuu: Not at all. Very peculiar. The dragons visited this planet several times a few thousand years ago. We even considered using it as a second home since there were no other sentient species living there and the climate conditions are very agreeable on most of the surface. Someone must have come, colonized it, and then left after the last time we came. Why would they do that?
The Shadowdancer creeped closer to the planet, still way off from being able to see any satellites from their distance, but close enough to see some on the viewer. It was quite a variety, with seeming small communication satellites, some of which in pristine condition, mixed with massive monolithic space stations that appeared to have been cannibalized for spare parts. By who, no one knew. Perhaps whoever put them there took everything of value before they left. A blessing and a curse, for fewer things surprise them but fewer new gadgets to take home.
Teek: We're at 500,000 kilometers from the planet now.
Amenaru: Initiating scans in conjunction with tactical and science.
Phobos: Receiving scans.
Nalma: Checking for anomalous readings.
The scans commenced revealing little of note. An interesting alloy here, a possible new substance there. Nothing major. Certainly nothing yet that might aid them in defence against the Vasthari.
Joust: Teek, bring us to 400,000 kilometers.
Teek: 400,000 kilometers, yes Commander.
The Shadowdancer inched nearer and the scans continued.
Phobos: Power systems appear dormant, but they seem to use a similar plasma induction system that we do. From the scans, it seems like an awfully small core to run something that big, but I'll be able to get a better idea when we get closer.
Joust: What do you think, Captain? Closer?
Aire answered Joust's question with an order to Nalma.
Aire: Nalma, report findings so far.
Nalma: No weapons systems of any known design. Minimal shield generators and several voids where shield generators once were.
Aire: Teek, 300,000.
Teek: 300,000, yes Captain.
A little closer and a little closer, never with a groundbreaking discovery, yet some excitement all the same. Other systems were similar to their own, and yet somehow smaller, suggesting that they could learn of efficiency gains. Not thrilling, but nice, and hopefully a taste of treasures to come.
Because they were closer now, scans were turning up more data to study and Aire thought it prudent to take it slow. They spent several hours pouring over the data that came in, occasionally getting closer.
Aire: High time we start considering sending teams to the station, Commander.
Joust: I agree. We should get a few close range scans and start thinking about who to send where.
Aire: Teek, change course directly toward the station and get us within 20,000 kilometers.
Teek: Yes, Captain. Setting course to 20,000 kilometers.
Aire: Amenaru, Phobos, start looking for the least hazardous places where we could send teams. Nalma, keep watching for...
Nalma: I'm reading an energy spike in the station!
Joust: Teek, back us off!
Before Teek could answer, the ship was enveloped in a blue light emanating from the station. Every system on the bridge, every console, every station, started to flicker, accompanied by the ominous sound of a power drain.
Teek: Induction not responding. Backup systems not functional. Engaging thrusters, but fewer than 10 percent of them are available.
Nalma: The beam is pulling us in!
Aire tapped his armrest control, the direct line to engineering.
Aire: Minnie, we need engines now!

Engineering, NCCS Shadowdancer
If one were to describe the bridge as chaotic, then engineering was apocalyptic. Flickering consoles were the least of their problems. Small explosions and sparks rained down everywhere as engineering crew darted in every direction either trying to escape an explosion or desperately trying to rein in the rapidly failing core.
Minnie shouted with haste to Aire over the comm, too occupied with the deteriorating engines to engage in any deferential niceties.
Minnie: Whatever energy that thing is using on us is disrupting every system on the ship. Hit the throttle as hard as you can and I'll see if I can find something extra! Engineering out!
Just as Minnie closed the comm link, a conduit breached nearby and she winced only for a moment before shouting out more orders.
Minnie: Ramei, get on that coolant injector! Pump it manually if you have to!
Ramei: On it, Chief!
Minnie looked around for another, but everyone was already engaged in some critical task keeping the core from destabilizing. Only Quenya was relatively free.
Minnie: Quenya, get on the thruster controls and reroute any scrap of useable power you can find to the ones that aren't functioning right now!
Quenya: Yes, Chief!

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
Teek: Thruster power is rising. 8 percent... 9 percent...
Nalma: We're still being pulled in.
The ship began to shudder, a mild vibration at first, but rapidly increasing to a violent shake.
Teren: Structural integrity is failing.
As if to put an exclamation point on Teren's statement, a crack started forming on the bridge floor between Teek and Amenaru. At this point, crashing into the station started to look like an inevitability rather than a possibility.
At the last moment, the beam steered the Shadowdancer away from the station. Small relief, for now the Shadowdancer was aimed directly at the planet with the ship's systems still badly damaged.
Aire: Thruster status.
Teek: 12 percent.
Just as suddenly as it began, the beam ceased and the Shadowdancer was cast adrift like a boat with only a trolling motor to navigate a swift river.
Joust: 12 percent isn't near enough to break gravitational pull.
Aire: Escape pod status.
Phobos: Just as screwed up as everything else.
Aire: Kit, deploy a distress buoy.
Kit: Yes, Captain! Attempting to do so now.
Aire: Unless Minnie can pull out a miracle in the next couple of minutes, we'll have to make the best of it. Teek, try to get our angle relative our direction of motion to 40 degrees. If Minnie contacts us to say that thrusters are available, don't wait for my order. Get us out of here.
Teek: Won't be easy to get to 40 degrees in this state, but I'll do my best, Captain.
Aire: Teren, evacuate all decks below deck 10.
Teren: Yes, Captain. Sending evacuation alerts.
Joust: Crash landing, Captain?
Aire: I hope not, but we have to be prepared.
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