There are many exciting species in the world of Carpathia. Here they are!

The original Carpathians were originally from an island in the south Pacific called Berengaria. For more information, visit the Planets page. It is similar to Hawaii in many ways, both culturally and ethnically. As such, the Carpathians have a zeal for enjoying life and a concern for the well-being of their neighbors. Ethnically, Carpathia is primarily populated mostly by former Americans, Japanese, Pacific Islanders, and southeast Asians. There was also a smattering of Russians, Europeans, and Chinese. Current Carpathian racial diversity and culture also reflects this.
In Carapthia's earlier years, the government used to identify individuals on Earth with high attributes, such as in science or the arts, and invite them to come to Carpathia with their families. The only catch was that they could never return to Earth once the offer was accepted. Many took the offer. The program ended 50 years ago with the recruitment of several dozen education specialists from Finland. This program resulted in Carpathians having a very high regard for a high-quality education.
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Nekomi live on Andrast, the second habitable planet that the Carpathians discovered. Andrast is not the original nekomi homeworld. Many centuries ago, they were involved in a war and left their home planet to settle on Andrast. Information from that era was lost, as their ships were dismantled and their computers were repurposed at that time. Now, they do not remember who it was they fought or where their home planet is.
More recently, the nekomi had a war amongst each other. During that war, a virus was released that was intended to be used on the other side, but infected every nekomi, leaving them to slowly go sterile. Though the virus was eventually eradicated, the damage was done. Their dwindling population and need for cooperation with Carpathia lead the neko to agree to be annexed so as to more easily share knowledge and help prevent their culture from going extinct. Eventually, a partial cure was found, that at least allowed one nekomi and one member of another species, such as human, to procreate, leading to a boom in nekohuman hybrids.
The nekomi were encountered in New Carpathia's early space-faring years and they became fast friends.
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As stated before, the Nekomi can only bear children with another species, thus leading to an explosion of nekohuman hybrids. This is a development that has occurred within the last 30 years. No nekohuman in New Carpathia is older than that.
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The tokki are a rabbit-like race who live on Tokkastra. They have notoriously vigourous sex drives and women typically have several babies at once, leading to constant population problems. Reproduction is strictly regulated, which isn't too much of a problem, since most tokki are bisexual. Women comprise a fraction of the population, and yet they are a matriarchy, ruled by a queen, and with most leadership positions filled by women.
Relationships amongst tokki are generally not monogamous, as sex is practically considered a basic greeting. Tokki will typically take mates for a year, maybe two, before moving on. Tokki who stay with a single mate for longer are considered deviant.
The tokki used to frequently travel the galaxy many centuries ago, but entered a long period of isolation from which they are only now just emerging. The period was so long, in fact, that they're even considered mythological amongst some species.
Tokkastra and New Carpathia have only recently met and, after 25 years, are now finally establishing formal diplomatic relations.
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Elves are generally an intensely curious species, constantly asking questions and poking into things they probably shouldn't. Some would call them meddlesome. Elves tend to be extremely talented in one or two areas of aptitude. For the rest, they tend to be so-so at best.
The elf race is not known to New Carpathia yet. They have fairly high numbers on Yseri, however.
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Dragons live on several planets and prefer to remain underground and hidden. Long ago, many cultures relied on them for their wisdom, but others relied on them for their pelts. They eventually decided to withdraw from the universe and keep to themselves. After encountering the Carpathians, they are beginning to come out of seclusion again.
Dragons live for up to two thousand years. They can also change form into whatever shape that pleases them. This often results in some very interesting fantasy characters.
Dragons are hermaphrodites. Any dragon can have a child with any mate. When a dragon chooses a form, the dragon simply takes on the characteristics of the gender it feels most attuned with.
At the time the story begins, Dragons are not yet known to New Carpathia.
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Komodo are a very tall and lean species and are easily distinguished individually by the horns on their heads. Generally, they are considered hardworking and industrious. Yseri, being a desert planet, is a perfect climate for them. They relish the hot weather.
At the time the story begins, Komodo are not yet known to Carpathia
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Demons are a hybrid race of dragons and an unknown humanoid species. They're not hermaphrodites like the dragons are, but the gender lines are blurry. Bisexuality is the norm. Demons born with one horn instead of two are considered to be inferior and are usually marginalized and sometimes cast out.
Demons are generally peaceful, but were once considered an ideal warrior race. They are stronger than they look. Despite their generally small build, their musculature and bone composition are far more dense than most species. Their war-like past centuries ago has been largely forgotten and now demons achieve acclaim through games of physical strength.
Many centuries ago, demons relocated to a new world and became isolationists after becoming tired of other worlds asking them to help fight their wars. They have spaceship technology, but those who leave are not permitted to return. The ones who leave also vow never to reveal the location of the new demon homeworld. The demons who leave have, so far, upheld that vow and no other species knows where the new demon homeworld is.
Demons are not yet known to New Carpathia. Many exist on Yseri.
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Little is known about bats. Nobody knows where they are from. They are generally slim, light, agile, and have large wings. Bats tend to be a solitary and mischievous species. They don't often make friends, but they are very devoted to the ones they do make. Generally, they are considered observers. They frequently mock that which may be considered the status quo and take a keen interest in the unusual.
These characteristics, particularly that of intense curiosity, may simply be traits of the few bats who take an interest in making friends outside of their species.
Bats are not known to New Carpathia. Several exist on Yseri.
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Other Hybrids
With so many species, it's only natural that even more mixed up characters can appear. Some interspecies relations are not capable of producing children. Nekomi and tokki, for example, cannot have children together due to the extreme differences in their digestive systems. However, a Tokki and a nekohuman might be able to, if the human portion is strong enough to produce a child with a disposition towards vegetarianism.
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