Carpathia IV: Episode 120 - Pendergast
Andrast, Amenaru's house
We all know that feeling when the end of a long vacation starts winding down to its last few days. The anticipation of getting back to a to the usual daily routine. The wistful sadness of yet another life adventure coming to a close. The exhaustion of having spent so much effort on fun activities contrasting with the desire to do even more. This is how Amenaru, Kit, and Sylvar were feeling right now. The main difference was that they didn't have an old routine to go back to. That crash-landed on Sassinesa's planet.
Eight weeks was enough for Kit to impress with his singing voice. The first time he did it, his voice was nearly inaudible even through the microphone. Over time, and with praise, he improved and sang a bit louder each time.
Eight weeks was enough for Sylvar to fully ingratiate himself into the Pendergast family. Cooking. Comics. Video games. Costume design. Playing music. It didn't matter whether he was good or bad at any of those things. He always threw himself in with gleeful abandon.
This made it even stranger that Sylvar was awfully quiet on one of their last nights together sitting on the couch, telling stories and playing games. He had been so quiet, in fact, that everyone took notice when he stood up suddenly and faced everyone with a clearing of his throat.
Sylvar: Ahem.
There was no need for Sylvar to clear his throat to gain everyone's attention. Anyone with even the tiniest amount of social awareness already knew that Sylvar had something on his mind. Though everyone looked at him with anticipation, he did not meet their eyes, keeping his head turned to the side and rubbing his left arm with his right hand. A stark contrast to the usual Sylvar, who used always made the most of his inexhaustible energy to hurl himself headlong into any new situation.
Sylvar: Um... I guess you all know where I come from now. I never knew my parents. I was never even allowed to have a family name. When I was accepted into Carpathia as a refugee, they said I could have any family name I wanted. It seemed like a big decision at the time, so I told them I'd think about it. To tell the truth, I didn't think much about it at all before I came here. Now...
Sylvar paused with a sniffle and wiped his eyes.
Sylvar: Can I use your family name?
James was the first to pop out of his chair as though he had a spring attached to his butt. Sylvar appeared momentarily terrified as James hurtled at him with his arms outstretched. The terror in his face quickly subsided once he was enveloped into a smothery hug. Soon, he was joined by everyone else.
James: You be sure to message me anytime you need dad advice, right? There's always a room here for you.
Sylvar wiped his eyes with a smile and a giggle.
Sylvar: I'd like that.
Ramses: I can send you my comic drafts!
Meri: And I can get your ideas on new theater costumes.
James: You keep us up to date on what you're doing too, alright? Find some hobbies, right? Anything you like so far?
Sylvar: I don't know. There's so much. Until recently, the only thought in my mind was just surviving.
While the rest focused on Sylvar, Kit pulled Amenaru aside and spoke to him in a low voice.
Kit: We haven't taken him shopping with us. He's never bought any clothes of his own. I can pay.
Amenaru smiled and gave a hearty nod to this idea.
Amenaru: Sylvar, why don't you come shopping with me and Kit tomorrow? You know, explore your fashion sense.
Sylvar: Sounds good! I haven't had a chance to buy much at all. I mostly have stuff people gave me.
James: Decided! I'll take Sylvar to the registrar's office tomorrow to get his name all sorted and then drop him in town after and you can meet him there. Sound good?
Amenaru: Works for me!
Sylvar: I'm good with that.
James: Good! Remember, I booked us to play at Zur Tonne the day after tomorrow. See if you can find something good for him to wear to that.

Andrast, Zur Tonne
Sylvar not only found something suitable to wear for the gig at Zur Tonne, but he needed two new full-size suitcases to carry everything that Kit bought for him. For his gig style, it was a little unusual, but not completely out there. A red, silk button-up shirt with black, pinstriped slacks and shiny dress shoes. Certainly not to everyone's taste, but he was happy and that was all that mattered.
While they hauled their instruments inside, Sylvar managed to catch Amenaru by himself pulling a guitar case out of the van while the others were setting up inside.
Sylvar: Hey. I hope I didn't do anything I shouldn't have.
Amenaru: You mean the name? Not at all! I'm proud to say you're practically my brother now.
Sylvar: Thanks. I wasn't sure if I went too far. Maybe you can teach me what it's like to be a brother. I don't even know what it's like to have a mom or a dad either.
Amenaru paused for a moment to give the idea some thought. It was an impossibly broad, mostly philosophical notion that Sylvar had, but he felt the need to at least get him started with something.
Amenaru: Every family is different, really. Tell me, what would you do if Voxx said he was in trouble?
Sylvar: I'd go to him, of course!
Amenaru: Being a brother or a sister can be a lot like that, a deep bond between people. Usually it happens when they grow up together, but that's not the only way.
Sylvar: Like how you feel about your shipmates.
Amenaru: Similar, yes. They're your shipmates too, you know.
Sylvar paused, scratching his chin.
Sylvar: I suppose so. I still feel like an outsider, even though everyone has made me feel so welcome. Your ways are still a bit of a mystery to me.
Amenaru: It's only been a few months. Give it time. In the meantime, ask me anything you'd like. I'll help. That's what brothers do.
Sylvar: I might take you up on that.
Amenaru smiled and handed Sylvar the guitar case he was holding. He leaned back into the van and carefully pulled out the last box, clutching it tightly in his arms.
Amenaru: Reuli's voice enhancer. That's the last of it! Can you close the doors? I don't want to drop this.
Sylvar nodded and, as soon as Amenaru was clear of the van doors, flipped them closed with a raucous clatter of metal on metal. Together, they took the last of the equipment into the bar and found that the rest of the family were nearly done getting everything set up.
Over the last eight weeks, the family made great use of the voice enhancer. It took a lot of trial and error to find vocal styles for which they were compatible. Even though opera was out of the question, that didn't stop them from trying with hilariously awful results. Rock, and other forms of music featuring edgy, raspy vocalizations fit best. Amenaru and Ramses were the most successful in finding artists they could cover well. Meri, unfortunately, only found a few.
This, however, did not stop Meri from completely outshining her brothers. They saw it coming. They knew it would happen. She was a theater rat and what she lacked in singing ability, she more than made up in performance. Amenaru did his part, singing two cover songs from some of his personal favorites. Ramses did his part, also choosing a pair of songs. Meri sang one song, and nothing that anyone saw in the previous weeks prepared them for what happened now.
Meri: 🎵I've been a-dancing in a devil's dirt
I'm a whole lot of trouble in a itty-bitty skirt
Well, the best kind of loving is the one that hurts
You can get your kicks, but I'll get my purse
I can take you down where the damned get wild
There's a whole lot of sinning but they're greener for miles
Three hits on the 6, there's a number that you dial
You can be like me but I'm a real bad child🎵
Once the music started, every second of Meri's experience and training as a performer kicked in. She dipped, shook, gyrated, and high-kicked her way all over the stage, all without missing a note, as though she were in a competition and her performance would determine whether she would be the next one sent home. Amenaru and Ramses were able to entertain the crowd, but only Meri brought them to their feet. For the rest of the band, Ramses on guitar, Amenaru on drums, Dad on keyboard, and Mom on bass, keeping up with the notes was hard enough, distracted as they were with Meri's performance. If they ever put together a family band with Meri as the lead singer, it would have to be called Meri and a Bunch of Other People Who Don't Really Matter All That Much.
When it was all over and time to pack up the equipment, Amenaru walked up to Meri, impressed, awed, and maybe just a teensy bit jealous.
Amenaru: Holy shit, Meri.
Meri gave a faux sheepish giggle and swayed coquettishly.
Meri: Hee hee. Did I go too far?
Amenaru thought back to the first time he got to use the voice enhancer and performed in front of a crowd. The excitement. The exhilaration. He also realized he'd been restraining himself so as not to bathe his idol, Reuli, in fanboy splooge.
Amenaru: You know, not too far at all. I'm glad you had fun!

Library, Andrast
When Amenaru, Kit, and Sylvar arrived at the landing pad near the library, only James was there to meet them. This time, on their departure day, he rented a van to bring the entire family to see them all off.
James: You three take care of yourself out there.
Ramses: Send me more space stories!
Meri: And let us know if you meet someone famous again!
Hugs all around while the shuttle to take them back to the Sunchaser circled around for a landing. James, nevertheless, lingered with all three of them, not letting go until the shuttle had landed. Even after the hugs, James tried to keep them there for as long as possible, dispensing every last cliched, mundane piece of fatherly advice he could come up with. Eventually, however, the grumpy officer by the shuttle had enough and took ushered them into the shuttle. The only thing to wonder now was if the Sunchaser refit still had the fancy bed with the silk sheets.
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