Carpathia IV: Episode 121 - Shadowdancer-A
Space, Near Polaris Deep
Amenaru was delighted that the cabin with the silk sheets and heart pillows remained intact, though the whole affair elicited a fair amount of snickering from the refit crew at the station. Not that either he nor Kit cared about that. After all, they were having a good time every night. What were they doing?
Two weeks back and still no news about what their next assignment might be. Amenaru asked Captain Valro a few times already, but always received coy responses in return. Joust was equally unforthcoming. Amenaru pushed all that out of his mind and focused on the comfy cabin. More specifically, the tokki with whom he shared the cabin.
However, that couldn't last forever either. Amenaru sat at the helm with Sylvar awaiting clearance to park the Sunchaser wherever they said. It was taking some time for a response. Soon, they'd have to decelerate for the approach to Polaris Deep and Amenaru would like to know where to go before then. Fortunately, he received a notification just in time.
Amenaru: Docking port 4E. At least it's not the parking lot. No need for a shuttle.
Sylvar: Just in time. It's almost time to start our approach.
Amenaru: Slow to induction and start the approach.
Sylvar: Slowing to induction.
Sylvar needed only tap at two controls and the ship immediately decelerated to normal space, the streaky stars out the window gone spotty again.
Amenaru: There's a message from Captain Valro with the clearance notification. He wants us to meet him at Admiral Zhang's office and that we can just leave our stuff on the Sunchaser for now.
Sylvar: All three of us? Sounds important.
Amenaru glanced again at the message, giving it a quick skim to make sure he didn't misread anything.
Amenaru: That's what it says. I can't just leave Tiggy here. I should ask what I should do with her. He probably forgot that she's with us.
Amenaru typed out his message to Captain Valro while Sylvar steered the ship toward Polaris Deep. They didn't have to get very close to notice that there was a very large ship docked at one of the ports on the edge.
Sylvar: Oh, hey! There's a Crystal Falchion class ship docked there today.
Amenaru looked out the window, only halfway finished with typing his message.
Amenaru: Oh, Crystal Falchion? Chrono Blade?
Sylvar: Can't tell. Wouldn't it be neat if one of those was our new ship?
Amenaru already had his nose buried back into his typing. Before he answered Sylvar, he finished up and hit send.
Amenaru: If only we could be that lucky, but those two ships already have crews.
A beep from communications told him that he already had a reply.
Amenaru: That was quick. Captain Valro says to bring Tiggy along. Whatever's up must be pretty informal. I'll go fetch Kit and let him know about this and that we're docking soon.

Polaris Deep, Near Admiral Zhang's office
With no time to change, Amenaru spent his walk to Admiral Zhang's office brushing every bit of lint off of himself with his hand. Kit, on the other hand, looked immaculate as always, leaving Amenaru to wonder if he'd never had a hair fall off his body before in his life or how he avoided Tiggy's shedding. Sylvar was a bit more lucky, getting to go on with just a dress code instead of a full uniform.
They arrived at Admiral Zhang's office just as she and Captain Valro were stepping out.
Aire: Ah, good timing! Come with us, then.
Aire was already in mid turn when a little, grumpy growl came from behind them.
Mrs. Tiggywinkle: Mrow!
Aire: I don't think that's for me. We've already met. Admiral Zhang, I don't suppose you've had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Tiggywinkle? Lieutenant Pendergast will have to introduce you if we are to proceed without injury.
Admiral Zhang: I have not, Captain. I suppose we just never had the opportunity to cross paths.
While Aire and Admiral Zhang discussed cattitude, Amenaru was already busy scooping her off the floor.
Amenaru: Sorry, Admiral. She's a little protective of me. If I hold her safely while you hold out your hand to let her sniff it, she'll know you're alright.
With a smile and a slight nod, Admiral Zhang held out her hand.
Admiral Zhang: Such a good kitty. Let's give her a sniff then.
Mrs. Tiggywinkle stretched her neck to gently tap her wiggly nose to Admiral Zhang's hand. Satisfied, she rubbed her chin on the Admiral's knuckles.
Mrs. Tiggywinkle: Meyow!
Admiral Zhang: We should all have a little fuzzy protector. Shall we go, then?
Through the rotunda and out to one of the long docking arms, neither the Captain or the Admiral told them where they were going. Entreaties to that effect were, unfortunately, rebuffed.
Kit: Admiral, where are we going?
Admiral Zhang: You'll see soon enough, Ensign.
Through the winding docking arm, passing junction after junction, staying on the main path, it became more and more clear that they were traveling to the end, where the Crystal Falchion class ship they noted earlier was docked. With hope nearly ready to explode from his body, Amenaru couldn't help but ask.
Amenaru: Oh! Oh! Are we getting Crystal Falchion or Chrono Blade as our new ship?
Admiral Zhang: I'm afraid not, Lieutenant. They are both spoken for.
Amenaru felt like an inflatable raft that suddenly had a screwdriver shoved into it, deflating rapidly with an audible pbbbbthhhtttt.
Amenaru: Aw...
On they walked and indeed they were coming to the end of the docking arm at the end. That's when they saw it. Just a bit of the ship's hull was exposed in the corridor, just enough to see the name of the ship next to the airlock.
NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Sylvar: Shadowdancer!
Admiral Zhang: That's right. Welcome to your new ship. We were just about to decide on a name for it when we received word that the old one crashed. That made the choice easier.
Aire: Care to see the bridge? You'll be the first! We need to chat with Sylvar anyway and we just received confirmation of our transfer less than an hour ago. Good timing that you arrived when you did, so when I heard of your request to dock, I thought I'd have you come with us.
With an immediate and enthusiastic agreement, all six, Mrs. Tiggywinkle included, boarded the Shadowdancer-A. While there were crew on board, Amenaru did not recognize any of them. Perhaps fitting out techs from the shipyard doing last minute work, he guessed. There was much to see in every inch of the corridors they traversed. Carpet on the floor, nothing terribly soft, but enough to muffle footsteps. This would be nice during off duty hours. It was not easy sleeping with the clip-clop of uniform boots going back and forth all night long. Ambient lighting cast a soft, pleasing glow all around. Most notably, it all had that new ship smell what with all the fumes coming off the recently-manufactured materials.
As they stepped into the lift, Admiral Zhang introduced them to another new feature.
Admiral Zhang: Deck two.
Without a single button press, the lift began to move.
Kit: Voice commands?
Aire: Not everywhere, but in some places. You can still push a button if you need to.
The lift didn't take long. As soon as Aire finished his explanation, they arrived at Deck Two and the doors slid open, revealing the bridge security console through the opening.
It wasn't easy resisting the urge to knock Admiral Zhang right on her butt to be the first to get onto the new bridge, but resist, they did as she casually strolled out first, followed by Captain Valro. Finally, it was their chance and they spilled out as though someone had just turned the gravity sideways. What they saw had them all in awe. Two times bigger than the old one? Three times? It was huge, more like something out of a luxury liner.
Aire: Feel free to look around. Lieutenant Pendergast, your station is over there.
Aire indicated one of the stations on the starboard side of the ship.
Aire: Ensign Savea, yours is over there.
Aire indicated one of the consoles on the port side.
Amenaru: Um... Can't we sit together?
Aire smirked, almost as though he knew this question was coming.
Aire: Lieutenant, do you really think you'd be able to concentrate on anything for more than five seconds with Ensign Savea sitting right next to you?
Amenaru didn't say anything, but his flattened ears upon his head told Aire clearly enough that the answer was no.
Aire: Thought not. Like I said, take a look around.
By now, Kit and Sylvar were already at the front of the bridge, gazing back through all the consoles to the rear window and mezzanine above.
Admiral Zhang: Captain, I think our chat with Sylvar will be a good first time use of your new ready room, don't you think?
Aire: Yes, a start with something positive, I think. Sylvar, could you come with us?
Sylvar hadn't heard any of the conversation before Aire called to him and thus did not know it was "something positive." Still, he did not bear the look of a man who thought he had something to worry about and enthusiastically went along with them. They ascended the starboard stairs together, leaving Amenaru and Kit alone to explore their new workspaces.
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