Carpathia IV: Episode 127 - Black and Blue
NCCS Shadowdancer-A, Near Draconis
As the arrival of the Shadowdancer to Draconis drew near, Aire had one last quick meeting with Joust to ensure everything was ready.
Aire: Is the crew ready for landing?
Joust: All stations report prepared, Captain. Has anyone landed a Crystal Falchion class ship before?
Aire: As far as I know, only in trials. I've ordered full performance data recorded and analyzed for the entire sequence.
Aire's console beeped and Teek's voice followed immediately after.
Teek: Captain, we are approaching Draconis.
Aire: Slow to induction and plot a course to the landing site, Teek. I'll be down in a moment.
Teek: Slowing to induction, Captain.
Aire tapped at his console, closing the connection.
Aire: One more quick thing before we go down. I'm rather delighted that nothing weird has happened on this ship since the Admiral came on. Let's keep that up, shall we?
Joust struggled mightly with the Captain's statement. His eyes might have popped with a wild hysterical bulge, a toothy grin that could have stretched all the way behind his hair, ears that desperately wanted to flutter with abandon, and wings fully cocked and ready for a delirous wiggle. With all the self-control he could muster, he kept it all inside and only showed Aire a little nod.
Joust: Understood, Captain.
As Aire and Joust descended the stairs, both noticed that Admiral Zhang was already on the bridge awaiting them.
Aire: Ah, Admiral. I was just going to call you to the bridge.
Admiral Zhang: Much appreciated, Captain. I have been keeping tabs on our progress and I thought I'd just see myself up.
Aire gave a nod and smile of acknowledgement as he made his way to his chair. Joust gave a big flap of his wings and perched himself on one of the rails above the bridge.
Aire: Put Draconis on the viewer.
Phobos: Putting Draconis on viewer, Captain.
The bridge went silent while the crew admired the dazzling marble that was Draconis on the viewer, with its snowcapped peaks, rocky mountains, and brilliant blue oceans all as stunning as a resin sculpture. The Shadowdancer aimed for the narrow, green band that wrapped around the middle, the only place on the surface of the planet comfortable for most species.
Nalma: I'm picking up another ship in orbit, Captain.
Aire: Let's have a look, shall we?
This time, the bridge went silent not in quiet admiration, but in jaw-dropping awe at the massive vessel—at least twice as long as the Shadowdancer—that appeared on the screen.
Ryuu: Oh, it's the flagship! I didn't know which ship they were refitting, but of course it's that one.
Amenaru: That... is something else. Are the sails just for decoration?
Ryuu: Those are for our faster than light propulsion.
Phobos: Really? How do they work?
Ryuu gave a toothy grin as he wagged his tail.
Ryuu: Ooo, if I told you that, I'd have to kill you. Dragon secret, you know. Besides, even if I did tell you, it would take you a hundred years just to figure out how to make the materials.
Kit: Captain, we have received clearance to land.
Aire: Looks like our admiration will have to wait. All stations, condition green. Engineering, open nacelle vents to full and take the core offline.
With the orders given, Minnie's voice emanated from Aire's console.
Minnie: Understood, Captain. Taking the core offline.
Amenaru: All stations reporting condition green.
Aire: Teek, take us down. More gently than the last time, if you please.
Teek: Initiating landing sequence. No worries, Captain. I'll bring her down nice and smooth.

Draconis Colony
The Shadowdancer descended gracefully from the sky and touched down on the much-too-small tarmac. Indeed, the most difficult part of the landing was orienting the Shadowdancer so as not to squish any of the nearby buildings.
There were many ways of egress from the ship, but Aire chose to lower the stern hatch, for that was where Blue would eventually enter and ride the service lift to the atrium. Together, Aire, Admiral Zhang, Joust, and Ryuu descended the ramp to find Kuro and Blue nearby. They addressed Kuro first, for Blue's head continually bobbed up and down, looking rather drowsy to the point of near unconsciousness.
Kuro: It's good to see you again, Admiral Zhang.
Admiral Zhang: Good to see you too, Kuro. I believe you've met Captain Valro?
Kuro: Briefly, yes, a few months ago. We can get to know each other better at Blue's farewell party tonight.
Aire: I will look forward to that. You have, of course, met Commander Joust and Ryuu.
Kuro: Indeed, you and your crew shall all be our guests at the party tonight.
Kuro looked to her side to the nodding Blue and she tapped him on the nose.
Kuro: Blue, dearie, wake up. Your ride is here.
Blue: Mrph?
Blue blinked and shook his head, sending little bits of spittle flying all around.
Blue: Ah, it's the Rameweti captain. Did you take the figure out of the box?
Though Aire understood the question perfectly well, he still had to compose himself before he could answer. Blue may be old, but he was as sharp as ever.
Aire: I did! The figure has a distinguished place on my new desk.
Blue: Did you write on it?
Unfortunately, Aire thought, he remembered that too.
Aire: My apologies, Blue. I could not bring myself to do it.
Through all the years of dragon wrinkles and jagged teeth sticking out every which way, Blue still somehow managed to radiate an air of warmth about him.
Blue: No, I don't suppose you would. I could tell that you are very attached to it. We can call that good enough.
A large interruption showed up in the form of a truck, and not the usual sort. A cab and a flatbed trailer, but this one did not posses the usual eighteen wheels. This one had, by Aire's reckoning, at least 30, and even that strained under its load, which was the other curiosity. The flatbed carried a massive piece of fluffy, pink fabric, neatly folded and strapped down tight. The fabric itself wasn't much to look at either, faded and tattered, with many gaping holes, and it gave off a distinct musky odor.
Kuro: Ah, good. It's here. I'd like to ask you to hoist this into your atrium wherever it is you've prepared for Blue. He doesn't go anywhere without his blankie these days, don't you know.
While the others in attendance made a half-hearted attempt to conceal their snickering, Blue thumped his tail back and forth behind him.
Blue: Do they have to take it today? Not tomorrow?
Kuro: You can do without for one night. These good folks need time to squeeze it into their ship and get it situated for you.
Aire: Indeed, we do have room for Blue and the blanket in the service lift, but not both at the same time. Don't you worry. It will be safe with us. I'll make sure the crew takes good care of it.
Blue sighed with a low grumble and pawed at the ground.
Blue: If you insist.
Kuro: Come! We have a glorious feast awaiting you and your entire crew is invited to partake!
Joust, in particular, seemed the most excited and rubbed his hands together gleefully.
Joust: The best part! Lead the way!
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