Carpathia IV: Episode 49 - The One-Horned Demon and the Bat
Space, Polaris Deep
The arrival of the Sentinel and the Furious Spectre was a momentous occasion on the station. Both docked on opposite sides of the same docking arm and security had to be deployed to prevent curious onlookers from clogging the wide corridor leading to the main hub of the station. Admiral Zhang determined that it would be wise to take Voxx and Sylvar first to the place where they and the other refugees would be processed so that they could explain what was happening to the others.
While Aire stood to the side, tapping at his tablet, Voxx and Sylvar met in the corridor between the two ships and embraced. Kain, escorted by Teren, kneeled in front of Faelon, who was still clutching Mr. Fuzzy tight to his chest.
Kain: Faelon, I want you to go with Voxx and Sylvar. I trust them and you should too. Because I know details of the command structure of the Vashta, the Carpathian leaders are going to have many questions for me. I will not be around for awhile.
Teary-eyed, Faelon threw his arms around Kain.
Kain: Your life begins anew here.
Kain rose and put his arm around Faelon, guiding him to Voxx and Sylvar, who were having an animated conversation, with Sylvar in particular gesticulating excitedly.
Sylvar: These Carpathians are a riot! I love them! Yesterday, they had something called a "barn dance" in their common area. That Amenaru can really rip on a fiddle!
Voxx cocked his head to the side.
Voxx: What's a fiddle?
Sylvar: Oh, it's a stringed instrument played with a bow. I've never seen anyone dance and play an instrument at the same time like he does.
Behind them, Kain loudly cleared his throat.
Voxx and Sylvar turned to find Kain behind them with his hands on Faelon's shoulders. Sylvar, especially, suddenly adopted a grim expression.
Kain: Masters Voxx and Sylvar. I'm afraid I shall have to ask you for a favor. Would you please look after Faelon in my absence.
Voxx smiled, looking down at Faelon, and answered without hesitation.
Voxx: Of course we'll do that.
Sylvar stepped forward, looking meekly at the ground and holding his arm like it was about to fall off.
Sylvar: Mr. Kain, I know I thanked you when we first met, but my heart wasn't in it at the time. This time, I'd like to thank you sincerely for taking care of Faelon.
Kain: I humbly accept your thanks, Master Sylvar.
Aire tucked the tablet under his arm and extended his hand down the corridor.
Aire: Plus Faelon, then? If you three will just follow me, we'll get started.
Sylvar quickly returned to his usual, cheery self and skipped backwards down the corridor, dancing a jaunty little Irish jig, still facing Voxx and Faelon the entire way.
Sylvar: Well, let's go! The sooner we're done, the sooner I can show you the tap shoes that Ensign Valar gave me!
Sticking close to Faelon, Aire and Voxx followed. Kain and Teren together watched the four disappear into the crowd.
Kain: Now, more than ever, I do not regret my decision. Whatever happens to me from here on out is immaterial.
Teren: There will be many questions. After that, you will be free to choose your own path. Commander Azrael should be here soon to take you to meet Admiral Zhang.
Very soon, in fact, for Azrael emerged from the crowd at the end of the corridor flanked by two of his security team. Kain watched his approach, first with anticipation for meeting a demon from Carpathia for the first time. Anticipation didn't last long, for it gradually transformed into confusion, with Kain leaning from side to side, sneaking looks at both sides of Azrael's head. Teren quickly took note of Kain's evident agitation as he watched his muscles stiffen and eyes twitch more and more as Azrael drew near.
Azrael: Mr. Kain. I am Commander Azrael, and I will be taking you to see Admiral Zhang.
But Kain did not move, instead continuing to survey Azrael.
Kain: You have one horn!
Entirely nonplussed by this declaration, Azrael simply turned and gestured down the corridor.
Azrael: That is correct. Now if you will come with me, please.
In a flash, Kain's hand flew to his sword hilt and he drew it, pointing it directly at Azrael. Teren and the security guards flanking Azrael stepped back and drew their weapons, but Azrael was unmoved, lowering his head only slightly as his eyes narrowed.
Kain: I will not be lead around by a scraggly, one-horned demon!
Azrael held out both of his hands to each security guard and waved them down. Each lowered their weapons only slightly while those in the vicinity retreated to a safe distance, though still watching the drama intently.
Azrael reached down to his own sword and everyone expected him to draw his as well and a fight to ensue. Instead, Azrael unhooked his sword from his beltline and handed it to a thoroughly perplexed security guard next to him.
Kain: You will not fight me?
Azrael: I will not.
This only caused Kain even more agitation.
Azrael: You are witnessing it now.
Kain's resolve seemed to falter, as his eyes grew wide and he took a step back.
Kain: I do not understand...
Kain's voice trailed off. Teren didn't understand what was happening, but whatever Azrael was doing, it appeared to be working. Though Azrael continued to stand tall, stone-faced and stoic, Teren knew that tone of voice he was using. He had only heard it once before and the poor spacehand on the receiving end was lucky to wind up with only a dishonorable discharge and nothing worse. Trusting his former mentor, he lowered his weapon slightly as well.
Azrael: I have sworn an oath to uphold the ideals and principles that serve as the foundation of the Commonwealth. That means I will not engage in petty squabbles over genetic circumstance. Kill me if you wish, but I will not violate my sacred oath as a demon, which I have given freely under my own consent.
Kain's eyes wavered, no longer able to look Azrael straight in the face. Still, Teren remained ready, not knowing what might happen next, and watched Kain hold up both his sword and hand. Kain placed the blade of his sword on his palm and drew back, leaving a deep, bloody gash. Still, Teren watched carefully, unsure if this was over, but he also watched knowing that he must be witnessing an elaborate demon ritual rarely, if ever, seen outside of their own community. Kain sheathed his sword, bringing great relief upon all. Unhooking his own sword from his belt, Kain held it out for Azrael to take.
Kain: I have behaved rashly. I remand my sword into your care until you see it fit that I am worthy to have it again.
Teren almost expected Azrael to refuse, which would be a foolish action, in his opinion, for nobody would allow Kain to keep his sword during his meeting with Admiral Zhang now that this has happened. He was surprised and delighted when Azrael accepted Kain's sword, leaving him fully unarmed.
Azrael: I accept. Now, once again, if you will come with me, please.
Just like that, they strode away to meet Admiral Zhang as though nothing had happened. Nothing, that is, except for a changing of swords and a bloody hand. If nothing else, the incident served as a reminder to anyone watching. Never test the resolve of a demon.

Like an energetic kid in a toy store, Sylvar was difficult to control going through the main hub of Polaris Deep. Though Voxx and Faelon also marvelled at the lights, the control stations, the food court, the entrance to the shopping arcade, and even the reception desk, it was Sylvar who couldn't pry himself away from every shiny thing that came within his sight line. On many occasions, Aire had to take Sylvar by the arm and keep him moving forward. They had nearly 200 refugees to process and gawking would have to wait.
Aire: Come along, Sylvar. There will be plenty of time for that later.
Sylvar: Aire, what's a hamburger?
Aire: A piece of meat with condiments between two pieces of bread. It has a lot of cross-species appeal.
Aire continued dragging Sylvar along by the arm while Voxx asked more important questions.
Voxx: Aire, what is this processing all about?
Aire: Nothing too detailed. We're going to take your name, age, species and match them up with your medical exams to see if you need anything else and to make sure our records are accurate. This will also get your names into the system so that you can apply for benefits and pensions in the future.
Sylvar stopped resisting Aire and trotted along slightly ahead.
Sylvar: Species? Can't you just tell by looking at us?
Voxx grimaced and gave Sylvar a light swat on the back of his head.
Voxx: Of course they have to ask! Haven't you already noticed how mixed up these Carpathians are? You can't tell just by looking a lot of the time!
Sylvar rubbed the back of his head and grinned with his tongue sticking out.
Sylvar: Right. I keep forgetting.
As Aire pressed ahead with his fiddly charges, they passed a group of officers walking by, one of whom was Joust, playfully thwaking at the other officers with his wings. This time, it was Voxx who was irrevocably distracted as he stopped dead in his tracks to watch Joust and the other officers walk by.
Suddenly, Voxx broke from the group and sprinted toward Joust, grabbing him by the shoulders and spinning him around to face him.
Voxx: You're aptaran, aren't you?
Unafraid, but definitely confused, Joust's eyes darted around as though he were looking for a hidden camera.
Joust: Um... yes, that's the ancient name for my species. I am a bat.
Voxx dropped to his knees, sobbing, and squeezing Joust in a tight hug around the same time Aire showed up.
Voxx: I never thought I'd see another aptaran again!
Joust looked up at Aire. Though Joust didn't say a word, the look in his eyes unmistakably said "help." Aire obliged by grabbing Voxx by his arms and pulling him away. Joust took a step back and put his hands on his hips, demanding an explanation.
Joust: So, what was all that about?
Voxx took a few moments to wipe his eyes.
Voxx: Sorry about that. I had a childhood friend who was aptaran. The neighbors had to keep him hidden because, by that time, Lazmaedia had already destroyed the the aptaran homeworld and was hunting down every one she could find. I think someone snitched or something, because he was found and executed. I saw you and I just... I mean, I'm just so happy that you're here!
Aire looked to Joust wondering what his reaction might be. Joust's wings sagged as he adopted a melancholy expression.
Joust: There goes that dream of one day finding my home planet. Did you know about this?
Aire: Sorry Joust, I didn't.
Voxx: I didn't mean to spring this on you like that. The incident with my childhood friend happened more than 40 years ago. Almost nobody from my ship is old enough to know about aptarans. I didn't even know there were any here. Aire mentioned bats a few times, but I didn't realize that aptarans and bats are the same thing until I saw you.
Voxx stood and wiped his eyes and nose again.
Voxx: I apologize to you again... Mr. Joust, was it? That's a good name. I'm just so happy there are still aptarans in this universe. I hope you're all making plenty of trouble and mischief, just like the old days.
Joust looked on, considering Voxx's words, finding them sad and amusing at the same time. He smiled and patted Voxx on the head.
Joust: Well, you've got a bit of bat in your personality too. Still, you do know that we're not a huggy buggy bunch, right?
Voxx: Hair ruffles. Yes, you like hair ruffles.
Voxx gave a sad smile and looked back and forth between Aire and Joust.
Voxx: Now I know you must be good people. There's no way an aptaran would join your ranks if you were otherwise.
Joust: Whenever you're finished with... whatever it is you're up to now, perhaps we can meet for a chat.
Voxx nodded enthusiastically.
Voxx: I'd like that.
Joust turned to leave, waving as he walked away.
Joust: You know my name! Just look me up!
Aire waited, allowing Voxx to watch Joust disappear into the crowd before leading the group on again.
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