Carpathia IV: Episode 50 - The Two Captains
Polaris Deep, NCCS Shadowdancer
Though vastly improved from the battle that laid it up, the Shadowdancer still wasn't finished. With the damage repaired, there was still the matter of the refit. Missing wall panels, temporary floor covers, and dangling circuitry greeted her crew upon their return. On the Sentinel, the crew became accustomed to dodging damage wherever they went. It was not much different than dodging construction.
At least the chairs on the bridge were replaced and in their correct positions, even if the consoles weren't. Some were missing control panels. Others were missing entirely. Nevertheless, construction crews departed the bridge early for the day to work elsewhere on the ship while Commodore Amaranth and Admiral Zhang called a meeting for the Shadowdancer senior staff. This included Sorchae and Tamati from Medical and Minnie and Ramei from Engineering. For reasons unknown to the rest of the bridge crew, Commander Azrael was also invited to attend. Adell stood with Admiral Zhang at the front of the bridge, facing all the officers.
Adell: Thank you all for coming. In today's meeting, we're going to deliver some news and take care of some items of importance now that we're back at the station. Admiral Zhang has been overseeing the repairs and upgrades to the Shadowdancer and I will let her fill you in on that.
Teri: Thank you, Commodore. We should have the Shadowdancer refit complete in the next two to three weeks. We've analyzed data and reports from your battle with the Vashta and we are making some adjustments. When we are finished, the Shadowdancer will be the template for the Series 2 version of this class. Four new Shadowdancer-class Series 2 ships have been ordered from the Equilibria Shipyards near Andrast. All Series 2 vessels will be fully combat capable when completed.
Those on the bridge nodded in full agreement with this change.
Teri: In regards to your fight with the Vashta, you have all done an exemplary job and we are putting in a full commendation to all crew of the Sentinel during that fight.
Adell: That said, we'd like to recognize a particular standout amongst our bridge crew. Ensign Teek Rinc, please rise.
Teek's eyes widened as he looked around, expecting that he heard incorrectly and waiting for someone else to stand up. All the while, Adell and Teri looked at him expectantly with smiles on their faces, smiles that Teek would have found pleasant under normal circumstances, but now terrified him to near pants-piddling.
Teek pushed his chair back and slid forward, extricating his tail from the hole before rounding the console to stand before the Commodore and Admiral. It was then that Teek noticed the little wooden box in Admiral Zhang's hands.
Adell: Ensign Rinc!
Uncomfortable as he was with all eyes on him, the star of the show, Teek had forgotten to stand straight and tall whilst being formally addressed and immediately stiffened his back and neck.
Teek: Yes, Commodore!
Adell: Ensign Rinc, during the battle, Commander Valro gave you an order to "Get us out of here," when the Vashta ship's engines imploded into a singularity.
Teek: Yes, Commodore!
Adell: You took complete ownership of that order. You kept your wits about you and paid attention to what was going on around you. You came up with an unorthodox solution and took initiative to implement that solution.
Teek: Yes, Commodore!
Admiral Zhang stepped forward and opened the little box she was holding, revealing a green medal in the shape of a star.
Teri: For your quick thinking and leadership under duress, I am pleased to award you the Emerald Star.
Teek did his best to remain standing as solidly as he could, hoping that nobody would notice that he was trembling while Admiral Zhang pulled the medal from the box and affixed it to his uniform. When she finished, she stepped back and clapped, prompting the others on the bridge to do the same. Teek stood there for awhile, watching the others smile and clap for him before Admiral Zhang gently nudged him back to his chair.
Adell: Thank you, Teek. Without you, we might have been squished to bits in that singularity.
The clapping quickly died down as Teek returned to his chair and Adell continued with more announcements.
Adell: In sadder news, today will be the last day I will be in command of the Shadowdancer. After speaking with the Admiralty, I will be taking up permanent command of the Sentinel. The threat against us may be distant, but it is real, and it is coming. Our first priority will be to complete the sensor net and work to ensure battle readiness in the entire fleet.
The others looked around at each other, each confirming in their shipmates' faces that they really heard Adell say what they just heard. After a short span of murmuring, Amenaru rose from his chair.
Amenaru: We're with you, Commodore! I'll be the first to put in a request for transf...
Adell held out his hand as he frowned with his head lowered, as though he expected this all along. Amenaru went silent and returned to his chair.
Adell: Thank you, Amenaru. Truly. However, I will reject any of your requests to transfer to the Sentinel. You all joined the Exploration Force to be explorers, and explorers you shall be. There is still plenty of that to do. You will have battle drills. You will perform weapons tests. But you will still be able to experience the wonders of exploration. I know you all want to help and you can do that while still being explorers. That is what I want for you.
A feeling of melancholy permeated the bridge, along with a sudden realization. Until now, nobody but Adell and Teri understood why Azrael had been invited to this meeting, but now a theory started popping up in everyone's heads. Shadowdancer would be in need of a captain. Could he be Adell's replacement? They liked him well enough as a first officer, but would he be suitable as a captain on a ship with such a crew as this?
Adell: That leaves us with the necessary matter of a new captain for the Shadowdancer. Admiral Zhang and I discussed it and we determined that there was only one suitable choice for this ship.
Adell left the announcement for Admiral Zhang.
Teri: The new captain of the NCCS Shadowdancer will be Aire Valro.
Every eye on the bridge turned to Aire, who smiled and gave a little wave.
Teri: In fact, we have two new captains here on the bridge. Azrael will be taking command of the new Cerberus, sister ship of the Sentinel. Our conundrum was which of you would have the honor of being the first starship captain from Ramewet. Eventually, we decided that both Aire and Azrael should share in that honor. Please stand, both of you.
Both Aire and Azrael stood while Adell and Teri approached, each bearing a small box not unlike the one Teek's medal was in.
Teri: Commander Azrael, you have performed your services as Chief of Security with great skill and consistency, earning the respect of all on Polaris Deep.
As part of the dual ceremony, Adell approached Aire next.
Adell: Commander Valro, you have proven your superior abilities not just as First Officer aboard this ship, but as temporary commanding officer while I was incapacitated. I can think of nobody else better suited to guide this ship and crew than you.
Teri: Let the log reflect that on this day, I hereby promote Commander Azrael and Commander Aire Valro, distinguished citizens of Ramewet, to the rank of Captain with all the responsibilities and privileges that come with it.
Together, Teri and Adell opened their respective boxes and pulled out the captain's pins. Each stood close to the former commanders and removed their pins, replacing them with the new ones.
Teri: Everyone, I present to you Captain Azrael and Captain Aire Valro.
The bridge again erupted into applause as Azrael and Aire turned and shook hands.
Aire: Congratulations, Captain. I am honored to share this distinction with you.
Azrael: And I as well, Captain Valro.
Aire shuddered as he withdrew his hand.
Aire: "Captain Valro." It's going to take me some time to get used to that.
Adell and Teri returned to their positions at the front of the bridge as the applause died down and waited for more announcements.
Adell: One more thing. More of a side question, really.
Adell picked up a small, white box with a festive ribbon tied around it. There was something loose inside, as it rattled when he held it.
Adell: Someone sent me a box of cricket and grasshopper cookies. The card on the box only had a picture of a winky face. Not really my thing, honestly. Does anyone want it?
The blood immediately began to drain from Teek's face and his entire head turned as white and flaky as a month-old dog poo that had been lying out in the sun.
Teek: That stupid, greasy salamander! When I get back home, I'm gonna...
Unable to finish his sentence, Teek growled and then headbutted his steering wheel and remained there, hunched over in his chair. Adell looked away, pawing at his cheek with his fingernails.
Adell: Ah, never mind. I'll just see if Voxx is interested.

Later that evening, when most of the crew had already called it a night, Aire wandered the corridors of the Shadowdancer. His handover ceremony was scheduled for the next day and he wanted to thank Adell before he was transferred to the Sentinel. Stopping by Adell's quarters, Aire found only Artemis, who told him that he did not know where Adell was. Though Aire could have easily queried the ship's computer and found Adell quickly, he appreciated some time alone to survey his new charge. Though he had walked the same corridors many times before without a second thought, it all seemed somehow different now that he would soon be in charge of it all.
Subconsciously, Aire's body steered him toward the next likely place he might find Adell: the bridge. He rode the lift to the top deck and the doors opened with a whoosh. Stepping onto the bridge, he found only a skeleton crew. The ambient lighting was rigged for night shift, low and soothing, accompanied by the background hum of the ship's systems and occasional beeps from the consoles. Outside the forward window, the station loomed large in front of him, still active with shuttles ferrying equipment and passengers all over the station in a silent, mesmerizing dance.
Before Aire stood Teren, who turned when the lift doors opened and saluted when Aire emerged. Aire returned the salute and Teren, guessing that Aire might be there to see his Commodore, extended his fuzzy paw toward Adell's ready room. Aire nodded a thank you and rounded the security console on his way to the ready room door. The ready room that would soon belong to him, a monumental thought indeed in a mind that was still grappling with the enormity of his new rank.
Aire approached the ready room door and tapped the chime. Without a word of acknowledgement from inside, the door slid open. Stepping in, Aire noticed right away that Adell's desk was bare, as were the shelves behind. It was a sad sight as even the little Captain Carpathia figure was missing. All computer terminals were off and the only light was from dim, recessed lighting on the ceiling and under the desk.
Surveying the shadowy room, Aire caught sight of Adell's head rising from behind a lounge chair facing the back windows, offering a view of the ship's stern, the station's docking arm, and the vast expanse of space beyond. Another empty chair sat beside it with a narrow table in between. On the table rested a crystal whiskey decanter and a glass, both of which brilliantly reflected the room's little light upon their lovingly crafted art deco lines.
As Aire slowly approached, Adell put his own glass on the table and reached for the decanter. After gently slipping the glass stopper from the decanter, Adell poured some whiskey into the empty glass and returned it to its place. He then picked up his own glass again and took a sip. Obviously an invitation, Aire slowly rounded the empty chair and took a seat.
Arie took the fresh, new glass from the table and raised it to his lips, taking a small sip. After letting the whiskey linger a few moments in his mouth, he swallowed. It went down smooth, bringing a warmth to his insides. It was a richer, more elegant liquor than he'd ever tasted and he realized he didn't know that Adell even had such a thing in his ready room. It must be, he thought, something he only brought out on rare occasions.
For awhile, Adell and Aire sat in silence, gazing out of the windows and taking sips from their glasses. There wasn't as much activity to see as there was in the forward view from the bridge. There was the stern of the ship and the docking arm extending just beyond with a single warning light on the very end, flashing hypnotically in the distance. Focusing on the Shadowdancer's atrium dome, Aire realized that he could see people inside through the smoked glass if he concentrated hard enough.
It was hard to get a read on what Adell was thinking. Aire sometimes looked to his side, but was greeted with the same expressionless face gazing out of the windows. What thoughts must be transpiring through the mind of his Commodore? Aire shifted his glass to his left hand and and reached out with his right, placing his palm on the top of Adell's hand. Adell sighed and glanced momentarily in Aire's direction and turned his hand up to grip Aire's properly and embrace it firmly. And there they sat, the new Captain and the former Captain, holding hands whilst gazing into the vast unknown.
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