Carpathia IV: Episode 51 - New Crew
NCCS Shadowdancer, Atrium
While Aire and Azrael shared the distinction of being the first captains from Ramewet, the honor of first to take command of a starship rested with Aire alone, for Azrael's charge, the Cerberus, was still two weeks away from completion. Before assuming his own command, Azrael would have one last stint as temporary First Officer when he accompanied Adell to the Equilibria Shipyard where the Cerberus was receiving final fitting out and where the Sentinel could undergo extensive repairs.
Aire, meanwhile, had a ceremony to attend in the Shadowdancer's atrium. While his promotion to Captain was a small, intimate ceremony on the bridge, the official handover was a lavish affair, attended by the entire ship's complement, Rameweti citizens from Polaris Deep, and several of the refugees they picked up recently. All listened eagerly when Adell and Aire stood on the platform with Admiral Zhang in between.
Teri: Let it be entered into the log that, on this day, the Admiralty of the Commonwealth of New Carpathia hereby orders Captain Aire Valro to take command of the NCCS Shadowdancer.
Aire and Adell turned to face each other, each standing crisply at attention.
Aire: I relieve you, Commodore.
Adell: I stand relieved.
The crowd in the atrium burst into applause, particularly the attendees from Ramewet. Both Adell and Aire spent the rest of the evening greeting well-wishers and partaking in the lavish buffet.

NCCS Shadowdancer, Bridge
The next day, Aire called the bridge crew and senior staff for a meeting on the bridge. It was still a bit of a shamble, much like it was when Adell announced his transfer, though some progress was made, with new consoles and systems being installed. Many in attendance seemed a little worn from the previous evening's activities, but light duty for the near future meant that this wasn't a real concern. With the crew assembled, Aire stood at the front of the bridge, neat and clean in his new captain's uniform, and addressed everyone.
Aire: First, I want to thank you all for your well-wishes last night. It means a lot. Today, I just want to bring you up to date on a few announcements. First of all, Commander Unas has turned down an offer to be Deputy Chief of Security on Polaris Deep and I think I speak for all of us when I say that, while he would have done a great job, we're all happy that he chose to remain here.
All eyes turned to Teren, standing stoically behind the security console.
Teren: Thank you, Captain. It is a pleasure to serve under you.
Aire: Also remaining with us is Ryuu.
Ryuu: I'm glad to stay here.
Aire smiled and clasped his hands together.
Aire: With the familiar faces out of the way, it's time to introduce our new crew... who are, also, come to think of it, familiar, just in a new way.
Aire held up his communicator and spoke.
Aire: We're ready for you.
The door to the conference room slid open and from it emerged Sylvar and Phobos, the latter dressed in new uniform with an ensign badge.
Aire: You all know Sylvar. After consulting with Minnie, we've decided to hire him on contract to work with operations and engineering with some technology upgrades, the first of which is improving our force field technology.
Before anyone had a chance to acknowledge Sylvar, he threw his hands up jubilantly.
Sylvar: My first real job! And I'm getting paid for it!
While the rest of the crew was happy for Sylvar and happy to have him staying aboard, all were curiously focused on Phobos, wondering how he fit in and how he was already an ensign. Yet, somehow, there he was, with a big smile and his hands tucked behind his back, swaying his hips back and forth while waiting for his introduction.
Aire: Commodore Amaranth preferred Artemis to handle the science officer duties, but now that he's left the ship, we had a rather large hole in that area. Fortunately, we have a very qualified individual for that position right here. Let me introduce to you Ensign Phobos Leingod, our new science officer.
Phobos: Hello, everyone!
Clear surprise permeated the crew as murmuring prevailed amongst each other, except for Minnie, who nodded approvingly. Finally, Ramei spoke up.
Ramei: With all due respect, isn't Phobos, like, fourteen?
Phobos put his hands on his hips indignantly and stamped his foot on the deck.
Phobos: I'm 22, Lieutenant! I graduated from the academy when I was fourteen.
The murmuring ceased and everyone looked upon Phobos with wide eyes, some with open mouths. Aire smirked and strode up behind Phobos, placing his hands on his shoulders.
Aire: And that is the truth. He chose not to take a commission at the time because his age would have severely limited his assignment possibilities. Now, he can go anywhere, and there's no way I'd pass up a chance to have him here.
Ramei approached, ears flat and tail flaccid.
Ramei: I'm sorry, Ensign. I judged too quickly.
Nalma: I think we all did. Welcome, Phobos!
Nalma applauded in his usual gregarious way, grinning brightly, and the others soon joined in. Phobos smiled, swaying his tail back and forth. When the applause died away, Aire returned to his position in the front of the bridge.
Aire: And that leaves only one more announcement. Of course, we'll be needing a new First Officer.
Expecting Aire to make his announcement, the rest of the crew remained silent, but Aire did not elaborate further for a time.
Aire: I guess he has decided to be a little cheeky and remain hidden.
The others looked around but only saw familiar faces around them.
Sorchae: He's here?
Aire looked toward the ceiling and pointed at a black bulge protruding from the center. With all the changes and construction going on, it could easily be mistaken for something else. A new system. A temporary cover for a work area. When Aire pointed, however, the bulge began to stir, splitting down the middle to reveal a smirking bat.
Joust: Aw, I wanted to see how long I could go before anyone noticed me.
The black bulge turned out to be Joust's wings, which he now unfurled and spread wide. Letting go of the ceiling with his hands, Joust swung forward, upside-down, keeping a firm grip on the ceiling with his feet.
Aire: This is our new First Officer, Commander Joust. His promotion to full commander will take place tomorrow.
Joust gave a jaunty wave, a wave that was pointed at the floor, high over his head, in an reversed sort of way. With everyone focused on Joust, nobody noticed the prodigious sweat now developing on Amenaru.
Amenaru: Um... Commander... just how long have you been watching?
Joust turned toward Amenaru and grinned mischievously.
Joust: About three hours.
Amenaru's sweating intensified.
Amenaru: Did you see...
Joust: Yes.
Amenaru plopped into his chair, trying to make himself as invisible as Joust could. Joust spread his wings and swooped quickly and cleanly to Amenaru's station, establishing another foothold just above him.
Joust: We need to have a little chat about your underwear. Not only is it not regulation, but you need to select something more roomy so you don't have to pull your pants down to adjust yourself when you think nobody is looking.
Joust reached down and poked Amenaru's head with his claw.
Joust: Now, go wash your hands.
Amenaru: Yes, Commander.
Amenaru sprinted to the lavatory while Joust did a graceful somersault and landed on the floor next to Aire. He whispered in his Captain's ear.
Joust: Captain, is my first act as First Officer really going to be to reprimand someone for getting his weenie out while on duty?
Aire smiled and gave Joust a hearty pat on the back.
Aire: Welcome to the Shadowdancer, Commander Joust.
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